Book page for ” Living with eczema – mom asks, doctor answers “
Welcome to the book page for ” Living with eczema – mom asks, doctor answers “. This page was created to support MarcieMom of for the book she co-authored with Prof. Hugo and contains all the information you need to purchase, study and use this practical book on eczema.

In 2009, MarcieMama’s daughter was diagnosed with eczema at the age of 2 weeks. MarciMama knows firsthand how hard it is to care for a baby girl who itched 24/7 and how difficult it is to care for a child with eczema. At around 7 months old, Marcy’s eczema was brought under control after a consultation with Prof. Hugo van Bever. Since her eczema has improved, Marcy-Mama has passionately devoted her energy to helping families with children with eczema, including creating the website, support groups and illustrating the children’s book “Animals A to Z Don’t Scratch!” to persuade young children not to scratch.

Professor Hugo is the doctor who first encouraged MarcyMom to reach out to other parents, as many are going through the same struggle. In 2013, he invited her to co-author a book about eczema and their collaboration blossomed together. From the book title, chapter selection, and content, this book is written by two authors who know life with eczema intimately and dedicate their energy to helping families with eczema. Knowing how many questions parents have about eczema, there is a section in each chapter
MarcieMom asks, Prof. Hugo answers

Living with Eczema ” The book is almost 200 pages of practical advice explaining the condition and treatment. However, people looking for a miracle cure will not find it in this book. On the other hand, if you are looking for practical ways to deal with eczema and understand the condition, this book is for you.

Professor Hugo Van Bever is from Singapore’s National University Hospital’s Pediatric Allergy, Immunology & Rheumatology Department. He is also an active member of the board APAPARI (Asian Pacific Association of Paediatric Allergy, Respirology and Immunology) and has published more than 250 papers in national and international journals. His main research interest areas are paediatric allergy and paediatric respiratory infections.
MarcieMom, also known as Mei, started blogging about eczema and helping eczema families in her unique way since 2011. She also illustrates the book cover for this book and a children book ‘A to Z Animals are not Scratching!‘. Join her in her many efforts to make life better for families with eczema children:
Living with Eczema Book – Review the book, Spread the word, Contact your local eczema group for bulk purchase of the book
A to Z Animals children picture book – Order an e-book version for a young friend or family member
Point someone with eczema to EczemaBlues – a free, comprehensive resource covering skincare, nutrition and parenting tips for eczema children
Support – Many ways of support, via private email group, public community, and sign up for newsletter to be kept updated on eczema news and events (in Singapore).
Expert tips – If you are a board certified dermatologist, allergist, nutritionist or recognized parenting expert who have a passion for eczema children, contact Mei to offer your expertise.
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